Monday, September 27, 2010

New Brunswick has wrapped itself in Tory Blue

The Conservatives, led by David Alward, will form the next provincial government with a substantial majority.
That sends the Liberals under Shawn Graham to defeat -- giving them the dubious distinction of being the first party in the province since Confederation to be beaten after only one term in office.

As vote-counting continues, the Tories are elected in 15 and leading in 23 of the province's 55 ridings.

The Liberals are elected or leading in 17.

For The Riding Charlotte Campobello Progressive Conservative Curtis Malloch is taking the lead with 1160 at this time but things could change as on 28 percent of the votes tallied. Liberal Annabelle Juneau is taking second with 528 votes.

 As we turn our attention to Charlotte The Isles with 56 percent of the votes tallied Rick Doucet takes the lead with 2642, in second place PC candidate Sharon Tucker has 1896 votes in.