Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Saint John M-P Agrees with Minister

[Saint John M-P Rodney Weston----File Photo]

Jack Keir's request isn't falling on deaf ears. Saint John MP Rodney Weston tells us, he and the Energy Minister are on the same page when it comes to this topic.
Weston adds this is something that needs to be dealt with by the people that know best like the people who put this contract together.

Province Can't Take All the Blame for Point Lepreau Refurbishment Cost

[Energy Minister Jack Keir----File Photo]

If the proposed deal between NB Power and Hydro Quebec goes through there could be some energy rate increases during year six. That according to energy minister Jack Keir--- who says the replacement fuel costs at Point Lepreau may increase energy rates after the 5 year freeze. Keir says Atomic Energy of Canada and Ottawa need to take responsibility for some of the cost. He adds AECL has said the project schedule was too optimistic, there wasn't enough prep work done and hindsight is 20/20:
As of right now the refurbishment is 18 months behind schedule.

Remembrance Day

Veterans from coast to coast will take time today to remember the sacrifice paid by them and those who never made it home. It's Rememberance day and ceremonies will take place in all communities across the province. Lloyd Marshall served in the second world war between 1943 and 45 and tells us, his tour included France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Holland.
A Remembrance day parade forms this morning at 10:30 at the branch 48 legion, with the ceremony being held at the Cenotaph at 11