Monday, November 8, 2010

Lobster Season Postponed For LSA 36

Lobster Fisherman expecting to set their traps tomorrow morning will now have to wait until at least Thursday.

The Fundy North Fisherman's association along with DFO have postponed the season to a late start for LSA 36 due to the Strong wind warning in effect.

A spokesperson with The Fundy North Fisherman's association tells Tide News lobster fishermen can expect to set their traps on Thursday  if the weather co-operates.

Garbage Pick Up

The Town of St. Stephen advises its residents that garbage pick up day is Tuesday in the entire community and if you notice garbage out on any other day, please disregard it.

Going To Take Time To Dry Out

Some area's of the Province are going to take a little longer than others to dry out when the sky finally does clear.

Environment Canada has been keeping tabs since the rain began late last week and as of this morning, here are some of the more soaked area's.

Mechanic Settlement has received just shy of 300 mm's of rain,  St. Stephen 77m's, Point Lepreau just over 71mm's,  the Greater Saint John area just over 131mm's, Gagetown 63.5 and Point Lepreau just over 71mm's.