Tuesday, September 22, 2009

St. Stephen mayor Reacts on Behalf of the New CAO

(St Stephen Mayor Jed Purcell, File photo )

St. Stephen Mayor Jed Purcell says John Ferguson's new postition Chief Administrative Officer for the town has nothing to do with the on going court battle with the Saint John pension board.

Purcell says the lawsuit has nothing to do with Ferguson's ability to perform the job and adds, he has one hundred percent faith in Ferguson.

John Ferguson Resurfaces

(C-A-O of St Stephen, Photo by Kim Hall)

A former Saint John city councilor has re-surfaced in the Town of St. Stephen. John Ferguson has been hired as the town's Chief Administrative Officer. Ferguson you'll remember fell out of favor at City Hall after allegations of making slanderous comments about the pension board which resulted in an on-going lawsuit against him. Ferguson tells Tide News, he doesn't suspect the Town has an issue with hiring someone currently in litigation with another municipality.

Ferguson adds he can't talk about the on-going court case with City Hall which is still in the discovery process. The new job in St. Stephen will pay Ferguson $75,000 dollars a year which he will start next week on the 28th.

H1N1 (Flu)

(District Ten Superintendent Keith Pierce , File photo)

In the meantime there has been no reported cases of the H1N1 here at home. District Ten superintendent Keith Pierce tells tide news the Health minister has been sending out the message for a while and it remains the same to wash your hands with soap and water.
Pierce says flu season is the worst in the fall and schools are keeping on top of the situation.

The New Chief Administrative officer

(The new CAO for St Stephen John Ferguson, Photo by Kim Hall)

There will be a new face around town hall. The mayor and council of the Town of St Stephen announced the new Chief Administrative officer at last night council meeting. After a three month search John Ferguson of St John has been chosen to be the new CAO. Mayor Jed Purcell tells tide news his personality and his resume was very impressive.

Speaking with Ferguson he tells tide news the first thing he wants to look at is how the civic center is going and when the construction will begin. He says he looks forward to meeting the people of St Stephen and working with the mayor and council.

Ferguson was born and raised in St John. He worked for four years on the common council for the city.

Schryer Flu

(Mary Schryer, Courtesy of Department of Health)

The confirmation of a recent case of H-1-N-1 flu at Rothesay Netherwood School should serve as a reminder to other schools and parents -- that's the word from Health Minister Mary Schryer.

Schryer says she's confident schools are prepared for any outbreak of the flu -- meantime -- she wants to clear up confusion over the availability of the H-1-N-1 vaccine -- Schryer says it will be available to all New Brunswickers free of charge and on a voluntary basis later this year.

Free Upgrades

Good news for adults looking to upgrade their school studies.Starting October 19th, free academic upgrade courses will be offered at New Brunswick Community College campuses.The programs will include a comprehensive orientation, email and telephone support and evening sessions.A spokesperson for the Department of Education tells Tide News, any adult aiming to improve their skills to find a better job is able to take part in the courses---but space is limited. http://www.nbcc.nb.ca/