Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mayor Thinks Ferguson "Just Didn't Like City Management"

Saint John Mayor Ivan Court has told the defamation trial of former Common Councillor John Ferguson, the city pension plan's deficit was like an iceberg coming towards the city and he was concerned about the cost of the early retirement packages.

Ferguson is currently the Town Manager of St. Stephen.

Court says he became friends with Ferguson in 2004 but disillusionment set in when Ferguson wouldn't share pertinent information with Common Council or offer up any proof to back his accusations of gross negligence.
Court testified he believes Ferguson's real problem was that he just didn't like city management for some reason.
He also told the jury the accusations were defamatory because members of the public started to believe pension board members did something wrong or illegal.

Door Not Slammed Shut On More Powerful Imaging Unit

The Health Minister is downplaying any suggestion politics are involved in a decision to move forward with a less powerful M-R-I machine for the Regional Hospital.
Madeleine Dube says it's about providing a standard level of service to all New Brunswickers.
But -- Dube says her department will monitor ongoing upgrades to units that are available and she's not closing the door to upgrading the Regional to the higher powered unit at some point in the future.
The Alward government is taking heat for refusing a million dollar donation from the Regional Hospital Foundation to upgrade the new M-R-I machine to the more powerful unit.