Saturday, September 15, 2012

Conservative M-L-A Lambasts His Own Government On Health Care

One of Premier David Alward's own M-L-A's has some blistering criticism of the provincial government when it comes to health care. 

In a written commentary, Fundy River Valley M-L-A Dr. Jim Parrot charges the Alward Government is not listening to doctors and no effort is being made to engage them on any real issue. 

Dr. Parrot goes on to write the ball was dropped on Canadian Blood Services which is transferring blood production from Saint John to Dartmouth and almost was on the M-R-I issue.

He also complains of not being asked in his two years as an M-L-A for his input on any health related issue in spite of his many years in the health care system and being recognised as one of the top heart surgeons around.

School Water Fountains Removed With More To Follow

More than 250 water fountains in schools throughout the province have been removed because they contained high levels of lead and copper with another 180 water fountains to be replaced and 26 water treatment systems installed to fix the problem. 

That word from Provincial Education Minister Jody Carr following tests last fall that found many school water fountains had levels of lead that exceeded Health Canada guidelines and the greatest problems were in the Saint John area. 
More than $50,000 has been spent to provide bottled water in schools and another $320,000 has been set aside to replace water fountains but it will be December before everything is installed.

Grow Op Found Because Of Traffic Violation

Two men, aged 36 and 58, have been busted after the RCMP discovered a marijuana grow op by chance on Grand Manan.

The grow op was found after an RCMP officer followed up on a possible traffic violation when an all terrain vehicle failed to stop for police along Route 776.

The officer tracked the ATV to a residence on Route 776. Police got a search warrant and confiscated a quantity of marijuana plants as well as six firearms.

The two are scheduled to appear in court  November 15th to face drug charges.

Funeral Service Tomorow For High School Student Killed Tragically

Friends and relatives will get a chance today to say their goodbyes to 14 year old Blake Sherwood of Apohaqui who died tragically earlier this week after his dirt bike collided with a pickup truck on Route 121.  

Blake's family will be receiving relatives and friends at the Wallace Funeral Home in Sussex from 1 to 3 this afternoon and from 6 to 8 tonight. 

A funeral service will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 at St. Paul's United Church in Sussex.