Saturday, October 24, 2009

Council of Canadians Conference

[Maude Barlow----File Photo]
The Council of Canadians are holding it's 24th annual meeting and conference in the port city this weekend.

National Spokesperson Maude Barlow tells us the provincial government needs to start iniaitives that help the local economy, and needs to stop developing resources just to export them elsewhere.
Barlow says citizens and the governments need to take care of the land, air and waters, because those resourches are not going to remain sustainable on it's own.
The conference is open to the public and is being held at the Trade and Convention Centre.

Cruise Lines Prepare for H1N1

As public health begins its swine flu vaccination program - cruise lines are also preparing for any outbreak of flu onboard.

Dr Mark Mason is the chief medical officer aboard the "Crown Princess" which has made regular stops in the city this year -- and -- he says they begin reporting cases when one to one-and-a-half percent of the passengers exhibit flu like symptoms:
Mason says the ship stocks flu vaccine and will step up sanitation levels by increasing the amount of chemicals and cleaning carried out on a regular basis -- he says the strict onboard protocols have actually stopped outbreaks onboard Princess Cruises over the past couple of years.

Tanks of Salmon Coming to the Magaguadavic River

It’s been 17 years since anglers have been able to cast a line into Charlotte County’s Magaguadavic River in hopes of landing a salmon.The Magaguadavic River Salmon Recovery Group hopes, with Cooke’s help, that they will gradually boost stocking in the river to a point where 1,500 adults would return annually to spawn on their own.

A new outbuilding opened in the summer at the Thomaston Corner Hatchery near Harvey. Manager Mike Watson says it will soon be filled with tanks full of salmon.The project is in partnership with the Atlantic Salmon Federation dedicated to protecting and enhancing wild Atlantic salmon populations.