Thursday, January 19, 2012

Grand Manan Opens Community Centre Tomorrow

Grand Manan Island will have the official opening of it's Community Centre tomorrow.

The ceremony gets underway at 1:30, at 1021, Route 776.

NB South-West MP John Williamson will be attending, alongside Wellness, Culture and Sport Minister Trevor Holder and Grand Manan Mayor Dennis Greene.

Health Advocate Digging on Ambulance NB in St. Andrews

Opposition Health Advocate, Bill Fraser has filed a right-to-information request with Ambulance New Brunswick concerning an incident in St. Andrews.

Last June, a town resident suffering from an allergic reaction waited for an ambulance to be dispatched from Lepreau.

Fraser says,  on the surface, ANB’s response rates look very good, they claim they’re meeting both urban and rural response targets in ninety percent of cases.

But what’s not often revealed is that there are exemptions that allow for missed response times to not be factored in.

This comes as Cupe Local 4848, which represents paramedics raises concerns over ambulance response times and proper coverage.

It claims the number of ambulances in the province is down 40 percent during the night and current health care cuts could lead to lengthier response times.