Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Alward Government It Is Doing Something To Combat Food Insecurity

The Minister of Healthy and Inclusive Communities isn't taking issue with the estimate of 24 per cent of children in the province growing up in homes where getting enough food is a problem. 

Dorothy Shephard, who's also the M-L-A for Saint John Lancaster, tells CHSJ News the Alward Government is not sitting back, waiting for the provincial economy to get better. 

She says the government spends about 1 and a half million dollars a year on 29 different programmes which include community gardens, one of which just opened on land leased to the Carleton Community Centre by the Port Authority.

Shephard also says food mentors go into communities to teach people how they can shop well by buying nutritious foods that are cheaper than processed food. She points out the community gardens are full of people.