Friday, September 23, 2011

Age Discrimination No Longer Applies to School Bus Drivers

A local school-bus driver has won the fight on age-discrimination.

Leonard Way was told he had to retire from driving school bus, once he turned 65.

Four years after he issued a complaint, The New Brunswick Human Rights Commission ordered the district to stop the discriminatory practice of mandatory retirement for the bus drivers.

Way says if people can pass the required driving tests, then they should be allowed to drive, no matter what age.

He returned behind the big wheel, just shortly after this school year began.

Calais is helping Alzeimer's Patients

Calais is walking for a good cause this weekend.

The Walk to End Alzeimer's is tomorrow morning at the Wabanaki Culture Center.

The 2 mile walk along the waterfront starts at 9:30 Eastern, ending with a special tribute to those with Alzeimer's.

St. Stephen Raising Money for Cancer

Lots of people in St. Stephen raising money for cancer this weekend.

On Saturday morning, proceeds from a Zumba-Thon at the St. Stephen Elementary School will go to Walk Cause We Care. A minimum $5 donation, the sweating kicks off at 10am.

Later that day, a pool tournament at Dooley's is raising money for the Charlotte County Cancer Society.
You can register at 12:30 and start playing pool at 1pm.

For more information, check out our Community Calendar.