Monday, September 27, 2010

Election Day

The polls open today in St. Stephen and across New Brunswick.

Liberal Premier Shawn Graham is looking for a second mandate from the electorate.

Conservative Leader David Alward is looking for his chance to guide the Province.

Local candidates for Charlotte Campobello will be waiting patience today as the votes are coming in and being tallied up. Annabelle Juneau is running for the Liberals, Curtis Malloch is running for the PC group, meanwhile Lloyd Groom is the NDP candidate, Janice Harvey stand for the Green Party and John Craig is running for the newest political party People of Alliance New Brunswick.

If you fall in the area for Charlotte The Isles Rick Doucet is the candidate running for the Liberals, PC Candidate is Sharon Tucker. The NDP party has Sharon Greenlaw as their candidate . Berton Folkins represents the green part and Terry James is the Candidate for PANB.

Polls close at 8 p.m.