Friday, June 14, 2013

Most Of Us Think Parliamentarians Fudge Their Expenses

86 per cent of us, according to a new poll, believe Senators and M-P's, are cheating on their expense claims. The overwhelming percent of people surveyed also want to see parliamentarians make public all their expenses online. 

The Atlantic Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation Kevin Lacey tells Tide News they're just hoping the scandal over improper expense claims will just fade away which reflects how tone deaf they actually are.

Lacey says the one thing the Senators and M-P's agree on, no matter what party they belong to, is defending their entitlements. 

The Taxpayers Federation wants people to keep putting pressure on their M-P to bring about change and Lacey says if you look at how the M-L-A's pension plan was reformed after public outrage, it can be accomplished.