Saturday, February 15, 2014

Suicide Preceded By Warning Signs In Most Cases

Our ability to pick up on the warning signs from those who are experiencing thoughts of suicide needs fine-tuning. 

That coming from Forensic Suicidologist Dr. Greg Zed during provincial Suicide Prevention Month, who tells Tide News between 95 to 98 percent of people who have taken their own life have left some type of warning sign or invitation to help.

He says we need to become acutely aware of these red flags, and then engage the person to get on the path to help. And while some people may feel as though they are beyond help, Zed says in his 37 years of working in mental health he hasn't come across a single situation where a person's problem or illness was beyond treatment.

Those needing help are encouraged to call CHIMO helpline at 1-800-667-5005 or Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868. They can also contact their nearest community mental-health centre or consult their family doctor. If you're looking for more information about provincial Suicide Prevention Month, click here.