Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Saint John M-P Finds Criticism Of Harper Government Over The Senate "Ironic"

The federal budget will be unveiled on February 11th. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is promising to present a balanced budget in 2015 without raising taxes or cutting transfer payments to the provinces.

While the Harper Government wants to steer clear of the Senate expense scandal and concentrate on the economy, the opposition has other ideas.

Saint John M-P Rodney Weston tells Tide News he finds what has transpired very odd because it's the Harper Government that wants to reform the Senate, yet it's getting all the criticism.

Weston accuses the Liberals of not having anything to say about reforming the Senate and the NDP just wants to abolish it which may be popular these days but could very well be unconstitutional unless all the provinces agree.

Weston applauds the Alward Government for coming out in favour of an elected Senate.