Friday, October 18, 2013

Cardy Glad To See Blockade Coming Down

5 RCMP cruisers set on fire, over 40 arrests and protestors getting a face full of pepper spray as the blockade in Rexton becomes violent.

The RCMP are now enforcing a court injunction obtained by SWN Resources and have closed parts of the highway in the area.

Those opposed do not want seismic testing done as part of shale gas exploration.

NDP Leader Dominic Cardy tells Tide News the lack of action by the government and police up until now looks like a failure to act.  

He says it's good the blockade is coming down adding he hopes there is no more violence.

Cardy says you need a rule of law in this province which means roads are not blocked by protestors but it also means the government has to have meaningful discussions with First Nations.

Liberal Leader Brian Gallant says he saw the protest this morning firsthand noting the angst and anxiety at the site adding he hopes the dialogue resumes in order resolve the differences.