Thursday, July 25, 2013

Extra Funding Will Make Playground Wheelchair Accessible

Many dreams coming true with a huge donation.

A whopping $41,000 being donated to the St. Andrews Community Playground Restoration.

Chair of the Fundraising committee Isabelle Micheud tells Tide News with the extra funding they can now make the playground wheelchair accessible.

She says the wood chips will be changed to a rubber surface and equipment will be installed that children with mobility issues can use.

Save-Easy Owner Joey Craswell presenting a cheque of $20,000 yesterday to Vincent Massey Principal Leslie O'Leary and the St. Andrews Community Playground Restoration Fund. He says, "This is a community project and everybody really pulled together on this. I'm just so happy that PC Children's Charity has stepped up with a donation." Craswell says that PC usually chooses only one child to help and this time they've picked an entire community.

Another $20,000 was matched by St. Andrews resident Joe Clark and the Huntsman Marine donated $1460.