Saturday, June 8, 2013

Stewards of Children Offering Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Workshop

If we want children to have the courage speak up about sexual abuse, we have to do the same. 

That's from Elsie McGraw of the Saint John Support Group for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse who tells CHSJ News it's an issue that's had an air of secrecy for far too long.

McGraw says we want our children to come to us or report sexual abuse or unwanted touching, but yet, we as adults don't talk about it so we can't expect our children to do something we can't. She says open dialogue on the issue is badly needed in Saint John, especially in light of the guilty plea by former common councillor Donnie Snook. Because, she says, not only will it happen again, it's happening right now.

Starting a dialogue is the idea behind the Stewards of Children childhood sexual abuse prevention workshops.

The workshops are on June 14th from 9:30 am to noon and 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, and on June 15 from 9:30 am to 12 noon at Millidgeville North School, 490 Woodward Avenue in Saint John. It costs $30. For more information call McGraw at 674-1627 or