Saturday, June 15, 2013

Buy Local Van Touring Province This Summer

A home-grown initiative is going on the road. 

The provincial government rolling out a traveling buy local initiative, taking a specially-decorated van on a summer tour of the province. 

Agriculture & Fisheries Minister Michael Olscamp tells CHSJ News this province is brimming with healthy food produced by local farmers and fishermen, and the tour will highlight that.

They're teaming up with agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries organizations and associations to take part in the tour. They'll be making stops at fairs, festivals and markets. 

The first stop of the tour is today at the W.W. Boyce Farmer's Market in downtown Fredericton. Tim Livingstone of Strawberry Hill Farm will be there, explaining their fresh produce box program. On Sunday, June 23, there will be a "Meet Your Fisherman" day in Alma.