Wednesday, June 19, 2013

100 Blood Donors Needed In St. George

Don't forget to donate blood in the summertime.   

Canadian Blood Services wants you to remember the summer months are a time when the need is greatest.

Michelle Thibodeau-Coates of CBS tells Tide News they see a dip in donations during the summer. "They're getting on the road, they are going on vacation, they are out of their regular routine, and they are not donating as often or they are not around enough to make their donations. So it's extremely important this time of year to help them build up a strong inventory."

A blood donor clinic will be held at the Magaguadavic Centre in St. George, tomorrow, from 5-8pm.
CBS says they are looking for at least 100 donors.

To make an appointment, log on to the CBS website at or call 1-888-2-DONATE.