Friday, May 31, 2013

NB And PEI Toughest Provinces To Get An Abortion

The anti-abortion organization right to life Right to Life is claiming Henry Morgentaler's lawsuit to have abortions covered by Medicare
in New Brunswick ends with his death. In a statement, the organization's director Peter Ryan said, "His legacy is the death of hundreds of thousands of Canadian children, including over 9,000 in New Brunswick. He thought he was helping women but a dead child helps no mother. His opinion on the matter no longer counts. Only the truth matters now."

But Simone Leibovitch of Fredericton's Morgentaler clinic tells Tide News the clinics will continue to fight for what they call a human rights issue. She calls the situation in New Brunswick and PEI "unique," since they are the only provinces that don't cover the procedures. In New Brunswick women must seek permission from their family doctor to get an abortion---which can be difficult in a province where many people don't have family doctors. Besides, Leibovitch says she knows of some doctors who are pro-life and will not even prescribe birth control.

In PEI, women have to go off-island to get the procedure which Leibovitch says is impossible for women who are often already strapped for cash or unemployed.

Despite his controversial legacy, Morgentaler had been hailed as a champion of women's rights before his death this week at age 90.