There has been some conflicting testimony at the Energy and Utilities Board
Hearing on the accuracy of NB Power's accounting practices.
The hearing is
looking at the deferral account for the Point Lepreau nuclear refurbishment and
its cost overruns of a billion dollars.
An economist who specialises in energy,
Kurt Strunk charges there are a number of violations. He says, "In my pre-filed evidence, I identified two areas where the deferral account has not been made in compliance with the act and associated regulations, leading to inaccurate amounts being presented to the board."
Strunk charges the figures in the deferral account are not accurate. "NB Power neglected to apply the necessary manual adjustments to all units and all time frames during the deferral period. Infact, there are several months in which NB Power appeared to have ignored there own guidelines."
On the other hand, Deloitte and Touche, testified that, based
on the samples reviewed, NB Power's costs in reference to the deferral account
are accurately recorded.