Friday, August 10, 2012

Local MLA Worried Over Acadian Bus Closure

A local MLA blaming the provincial government of having mixed-up priorities.

With the coming closure of Acadian Bus Lines, Charlotte-The Isles MLA Rick Doucet tells Tide News the government doesn't want to spend money on public transit.

He argues "...if the Alward Government can purchase the Harbour Bridge at a cost of over $150 million a year, if they can create a $200,000 a year position for Margaret-Ann Blaney, and have our Deputy Premier and CEO of NB Liquor having a nice vacation in France on the tax-payers dime, then I think they should at least consider playing a role in maintaining an essential service such as this."

Doucet tells Tide News the people of New Brunswick - particularly in rural areas - depend on this service, and the Alward government needs to consider that.

He says he hopes that the Alward Government is looking at all of it's options on the table. He says there are other bus lines that are interested, and New Brunswick needs to create an environment that will offer a province-wide service, so places like St. Stephen will not be left out.

Doucet says Acadian makes stops in Pennfield, Blacks Harbour, St. George, as well as St. Stephen, connecting residents to stops all over the Maritimes.