Friday, April 27, 2012

Let's Get This Dam Issue Resolved!

There is alot of anxiety for residents in the St. George area.

Liberal MLA for Charlotte and The Isles, Rick Doucet says many people are worried they will lose their homes to flooding again.

He points out we had a tremendous rainfall this past week and we need to look at the question, "What can be done differently with the dam situation in St. George?"

Doucet says he was turned down by the government last year, when he tabled a petition with over 800 signatures from local residents, asking for a review into flooding and prevention for the Magaguadavic River.

The reason he was turned down? Doucet says the provincial government didn't think a review in our area was necessary.

He says now, the Alward government has announced, they WILL be doing a review for Perth-Andover.

Doucet says Charlotte County residents are being treated as second-class citizens by not getting the same treatment.

Doucet sending a message to Premier David Alward, quote "might I suggest the Premier put on his big boy pants and get this dam issue resolved."
Premier Alward was unable to be reached for comment.