Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"F" Word Used Often By Saint John Common Councillors

The decorum or lack thereof at Saint John Common Council coming up at the defamation trial of former Common Councillor, and current St. Stephen Town Manager John Ferguson, as City Manager Pat Woods told the jury the language used by Ferguson about the city's pension plan was unusual.

Ferguson's lawyer Rod Gillis quoted Councillor Bruce Court from last night's Council meeting saying alot of the stories about the pension plan are a crock of crap and went on to tell the court Councillors use the "F" word alot in Committee of the Whole.

Gillis used the city's own figures showing 70 thousand dollars was spent in 2000 and 87 thousand in 2001 to send Pension Board trustees to conferences including one in Maui.

Gillis also questioned whether the money was well spent.