Friday, November 27, 2009

List Of H1N1 Clinics In Calais

Scheduled Flu Clinics

Dec 1 -    5 pm- 6:30 pm CRMS Pediatrics Office

37 Palmer St, Calais H1N1 Any 3-18 year old, Parents of an infant less than 6 months of age.

Documentation Required: If not a patient of the CRMS practice must have ID showing Maine residence or US insurance card.

Documentation Required: If not a patient of the CRMS practice must have ID showing Maine residence or US insurance card and present the infant's US birth certificate.

Dec 1 - 5 pm- 6:30 pm CRMS OB/GYN Office

37 Palmer St, Calais H1N1 Anyone who is pregnant

Documentation Required: If not a patient of the CRMS practice must have ID showing Maine residence or US insurance card and statement from Obstetricians office confirming pregnancy.

Dec 9 8 am- 1 pm Calais Elementary School H1N1 Calais Elementary students requiring the second shot booster for 8 and under for seasonal flu vaccine.