Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Residents wants answers





  Residents want more details on the Civic centre location and why this is costing so much to build and prepare.Had Tapley spoke up at last nights council meeting in St Stephen saying this is a waste of tax dollars to build the centre.

 Tapley wants the council to stand up for the people of the town and have more public meetings about the ongoing process of keeping it up to code and preparing the site.  Tapley handed a letter to council to let them know some of the citizens in the town are againts building the new Charlotte county Civic Centre.

In the meantime Many questions are going unanswers says one man that spoke his mind last night about the civic centre.Tony Reader says the facitities that we have now are enough for the town:

Reader says on the other side of the border they had facilities that cost millions and  went bankrupt after two years.He says it would be a shame if this happen here at home.