He has nothing but praise for those people who stepped up to the plate to make the best of a disastrous situation. Alward says he was blown away when he saw a photo of the flooded Tim Hortons in Sussex that was texted to him while he was at the funeral in Toronto of the late Jim Flaherty.
There are renewed fears of flooding in Perth-Andover. As a precautionatry measure, the Hotel Dieu Hospital in Perth-Andover has been evacuated and people who live in the low lying areas of the village are being asked to voluntarily evacuate their homes.
Mayor Terry Ritchie says of concern is a 40 kilometer ice floe above the village at Grand Falls. Tide News asked Ritchie whether any flooding, should it occur, be as devastating as it was a couple of years ago and he's not ready to discount the possibility. Ritchie is hoping for mild days and cold nights to ease the snow and ice melt.