(Waves Hitting The Shore At Saints Rest Beach In Saint John)
(Photo By Jim Hennessy)
They only clean up going on for most of the Province following Tropical Storm Earl is putting all of your patio furniture back back where it belongs.
Except for kicking up a few waves, bringing some rain and knocking out power for close to 4000 people, the storm turned out to be a non-event.
As of 7:30am this morning, NB Power was still working to get six of it's customers in Passekeag and one in Summerville back on the grid.
Crews from Saint John Energy and NB Power are in Nova Scotia looking to reconnect homes and businesses to the grid following Tropical Storm Earl.
Both utilities received a call from Nova Scotia Power for some help yesterday afternoon with a combined 21 crews in that Province.
No word on how long the crews will be needed but both utilities say they will stay with the job until it is done.
Signs on milk cartons along with a Facebook page.
Just two of the initiaves launched by Elections NB to get young voters out to cast a ballot.
The average for this Province is around 67% which is high compared to other Provinces.
Chief Electoral Officer Michael Quinn tells CHSJ News, the 18-25 demographic has always been the tough bracket to crack but they are working to change that pattern.
Earlier this week, Elections NB announced they are teaming up with Northumberland Dairy with side panels on cartons of milk reminding young people to cast a ballot.