Monday, May 17, 2010

Moose License

You have until June.11th to fill and send in your application. The number of licences is increasing this year as well, going up by close to 150. There is a three pool structure for the moose license draw, based on the number of times people have applied unsuccessfully. Pool A consists of hunters who have applied unsuccessfully at least 12 times since 1994 or since they were last drawn.
Pool B is hunters who have applied between five and 11 times without being drawn and Pool C consists of new hunters, infrequent applicants and hunters who have applied one to four times since they were last drawn. The three-day moose season begins on Sept. 23rd and finishes up on the 25th. 3,554 licences for people living in the Province are up for grabs and 100 for people who don't call New Brunswick home.

Projects supported by Environmental Trust Fund

An investment of $54,200 from the Environmental Trust Fund will be made in 5 environment friendly projects in Charlotte County.

Maxwell Crossing Wellfield will recieve $5000.00 for Improvements. South West Solid Waste Commission Public Outreach is getting $14,200.

St. Croix International Waterway Commission, Implementing Classification in the St. Croix Watershed will get $15,000.

Quoddy Futures, Youth Experiential Education, is on the receiving end of $20,000 and Quoddy Futures Charlotte County Vernal Pool Inventory and Field Assessment will get $10,000.

Each year, the ETF provides support to community-based initiatives to restore, improve, preserve and protect air, land and water resources in New Brunswick

Training Interrupted by Accident Call

Firefighters training in Lepreau got hands on experience this past weekend as they responsed to an accident that left one women trapped in the vechile after it left the road and flipped upside down.
Firefighters who were participating in a Boat Rescue training session being instructed by the Musquash Fire Department as part of the training day. The women was takeing to hospital.

Photo compliments of Capt. Andrew A. Sanojca