Early in the day the Darling's Island road is not covered by water so why the need to close road for all residents.
Some residents are wondering why when it's partially covered in the morning but covered later in the day when the tide is high. The province cites concerns over structural integrity of the road itself.
Tide News asked Resident Angela Boudreau if she thinks DOT should have filled the potholes to avoid closing the road completely.
She tells us she's not any kind of road repair expert but it seems to her that it would be hard to keep the water off the road long enough to keep those potholes filled for very long right now.
One residents suggesting if DOT filled the potholes with gravel temporarily it would be a much cheaper short term fix.
Eight Department of Natural Resources trucks can be scene on the island along with two boats that are transporting people across the water.
Some residents are very appreciative of the DNR's help in assisting them leave the island for work or school and get home again.