Sunday, November 25, 2012

Most Canadians Like Their Job

Turns out most Canadians are pretty satisfied with their jobs, that's according to a recent study by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling.

Jeff Landine --
an assistant professor in the faculty of education at UNB -- has reviewed the study and found that we also have a better balance between work and our personal lives than most countries.

The study shows a whopping 81% of Canadians are satisfied with their jobs, 86% like the work they do and 78% are happy with their overall life. It also found 88% like their coworkers and 62% are content and don't plan to switch jobs. Landine isn't surprised by the numbers, and says the more control people feel they have in their job the happier they are.

The downside? 39% of people felt they aren't paid fairly. Landine says when you look at pay, perks or interest in work, that can lead to dissatisfaction.