Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Border Cafe Will Fight Back

You can't help but to notice the Menu sign on the side of the road that reads Mama's By Law Burger ... The Border Cafe in St. Stephen has been fined twice now for their weekly Karaoke event and anticipates two more fines this weekend as Karaoke will go on.

John Dilliam of Border Cafe tells Tide News they are not hurting no one and have even set up a jar inside the cafe titled Mama's bail money for anyone that's in a would like to make a donation. Dillman tells us his mother Brenda Vanhorne was rejected her Entertainment Licence from the Provincial Government with no explanation.

Many locals are up in roar over this and some enjoy the Karaoke and some don't. Tide news has a call into the St. Stephen By Law enforcement officer Mark Fleming but have yet to hear back.

