That word from Provincial Liberal Leader Brian Gallant after touring the devastation in St. Stephen caused by Friday's flood. On July 26th, 2013, St. Stephen was drenched under 165mm of rain.
Gallant meeting in Border-town with St. Stephen Mayor John Quartermain, Deputy Mayor John Ames, and MLA for Charlotte-The Isles Rick Doucet to tour the devastation in flood-prone areas.
Gallant tells Tide News it's imperative that we find out exactly why this happened. "You hear people talking all over the community and they keep saying, 'We thought last time was a once-in-a-hundred-year storm and we'd never get it again,' and obviously two and a half years later having something very similar happen raises concerns."
Gallant tells Tide News he supports local MLA Rick Doucet in his push for amending the Emergency Measures Act. "As Liberal leader, if there is ever anything we think we can push in the legislature, we'll be glad to do so. Rick Doucet, he is obviously very attuned to this, and he has proposed many legislations and many ideas as to how we can make sure that this doesn't happen again and doesn't affect communities in the future, so we will continue to do that as a Party."
Gallant says they are working with Doucet to organize public consultation so everyone can fully understand the impact of the situation from engineers and other officials.
A public meeting has been scheduled in St. George at the Magaguadavic Place on Tuesday, August 13th.